
Families are mainly referred to us through a referral system to determine those who need support. Referrals are made through Professionals, voluntary groups or organisations, such as midwives, social workers, health visitors, children’s centres, Teachers, GPs, crisis aids, Christian aids, religious organisations, and other charities who work with families that need support we provide.

You can refer such families to us by simply filling out the application form below. Also, See the list of people we support.

If you live in Reading or Wokingham Borough, and you need support, you can contact us through your health professionals or your local food bank.

We also offer an in-house independent assessment of your situation and see how best to support you, confirm items required and arrange collection or other logistics.

We aim to respond to all queries and referrals within 48 hours. If you have any questions or an urgent request, do not hesitate to email us.

© Josimah Baby Bank 2023 | By DABEE Comms Ltd.

Charity No: 1202421